Yt downloader zip
Yt downloader zip

yt downloader zip

People on Freenode's #youtube-dl frequently mention as a reliable mirror. Finally, keen eyes might observe that tarballs redirect to the maintainer's temporary GitLab repo, which includes signed tags.github directory), however, all source code files at the Debian git HEAD seem to match the upstream code at the tag 2020.09.14. it includes files specific to Debian packaging and excludes the. Or a source package from your local mirror. You can also get a snapshot from the Debian git.

yt downloader zip

Its contents correspond to the commit 4eda10499.

  • Internet Archive has a ZIP snapshot from.
  • on Gitee appears to be a very up-to-date clone, including the commit referenced in Google Web Cache,, and the earlier commit referenced in an Internet Archive crawl.
  • In addition, the development versions and source code history is available:

    yt downloader zip

    To apply it you will need a copy of youtube-dl. PR #24823 was recovered by the gharchive restoration effort: patch: Fix download of auto-captions when subtitles are available.GitHub nuked my clearly non-infringing patch to youtube-dl and the non-infringing GitHub issue.

    Yt downloader zip