How to use swagger editor youtube
How to use swagger editor youtube

how to use swagger editor youtube

This is done by editing the migration added in database/migrations. Now that the model and its migration, seeder, and controller are generated, we can create its schema. # Shortcut to generate a model, migration, factory, seeder, and controller. We will use the factory, so we have some basic JSON schema to import into Stoplight Studio.

how to use swagger editor youtube

Factories allow us to create sample data for our models. Now that the Laravel application is created, we can generate a model. composer create-project laravel/laravel openapi-app I will use a basic example using a model for a Reservation at a hotel, inn, cabin, or other.

how to use swagger editor youtube

The model, migration, factory, and controller setup Let's start with a basic Laravel application and a model that will be consumed over the API. The following process allowed us to audit model data and design a proper API for third-party consumers. In our case, we had existing Laravel models and an API that we needed to expose to a new third-party consumer, where the API was entirely consumed by our own frontend. This could be considered "backward," in that we didn't design the API first in an OpenAPI specification and then write the server code. You could use the Swagger Editor or any other OpenAPI tools. Note you don't need to use Stoplight's products or tools. Studio also allowed us to provide documentation that could be handed off to the consumer! The consumer was also able to begin writing their integration application using the HTTP mock server provided by Prism. I used Studio to create the API design and specify adjustments needed to the Laravel models (casts, date formats) and required fields in our controller request validation when creating new models. I want to share how we used Stoplight Studio to customize the default Laravel model serialization API. At Bluehorn Digital, we used Stoplight Studio to fine-tune an API provided by a Laravel (Lumen, actually) application. The Elements project creates documentation from your OpenAPI specification file. Prism allows you to create a mock HTTP server to generate sample data based on your design specification. Their Studio product is an OpenAPI editor. Stoplight Platform is a series of tools that makes API design and documentation super easy.

How to use swagger editor youtube